The World’s Largest Trading Floor : UBS, Stamford, Connecticut

Guinness World Record holder, The Worlds Largest Trading Floor : UBS, Stamford, Connecticut The largest securities trading floor in the world., It is also world’s largest manager of private wealth assets, “the world’s biggest manager of other people’s money. The 103,000 square-foot operation has 40 foot arched ceiling freeing it of columns or walls. The…

Database Comparison : H2, HSQLDB, DERBY, PostgreSQL, MySQL

Few days back I posted the comparison table which describes the various features/characteristcs of different free or open source databases, this would help us to understand the various free/open source database offerings. Could help us to decide the database selection for our next project. I have used postgreSQL, MySQL and HSQLDB now looking forward to…

Enterprise Service Bus

An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) can have either a traditional hub-and-spoke architecture or a distributed, peer-to-peer architecture. Hub-and-Spoke systems are easy to administer but difficult to scale, since as processes are added the hub becomes a communication bottleneck. Most ESB’s are based on a peer-to-peer architecture allow hardware resources scattered across the network to be…