Guinness World Record holder, The Worlds Largest Trading Floor : UBS, Stamford, Connecticut The largest securities trading floor in the world., It is also world’s largest manager of private wealth assets, “the world’s biggest manager of other people’s money. The 103,000 square-foot operation has 40 foot arched ceiling freeing it of columns or walls. The…
Let’s refresh the topic for all the variables running in a single virtual machine “Everything in Java is pass by value”, Some newcomers may think, in java pass by value only for primitives, and pass by reference for objects, Method declaration could take primitive, object reference arguments or both. When we pass the object variable…
Have you designed a bitboard? Yes..Skip the reading..:) Guys I am happy to start “backToBasics series” for java and related technologies. The bitwise operators mostly used for setting individual flag bits in value, prerequisite for following explanation is binary numbers and 2’s complement representation. The bitwise shift operators are : >> , << , >>>…
Few days back I posted the comparison table which describes the various features/characteristcs of different free or open source databases, this would help us to understand the various free/open source database offerings. Could help us to decide the database selection for our next project. I have used postgreSQL, MySQL and HSQLDB now looking forward to…
The following table describes the comparison between several open source databases. The comparison will cover: HSQLDB, H2, PostgresSQL, MySQL, Derby in terms of their limitations and strength. This analysis could help to select database for our next project. [TABLE=1]
I was just curious about the cloud computing and wanted to know the difference between new technical buzz(at least for me! cloud computing) and grid computing, as I have worked on a financial product based on grid computing and trust me I was really amazed about its architecture and its design. Now its time to…
The nature of the ESB is distributed; ESB is more scalable than the hub-and-spoke architecture. With ESB the ability to deploy separate integration services, scaling up and scaling out becomes easier. An ESB is based on open standards. EAI/hub-and-spoke solutions are generally based on proprietary standards.
An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) can have either a traditional hub-and-spoke architecture or a distributed, peer-to-peer architecture. Hub-and-Spoke systems are easy to administer but difficult to scale, since as processes are added the hub becomes a communication bottleneck. Most ESB’s are based on a peer-to-peer architecture allow hardware resources scattered across the network to be…
Lots of nice articles have been published on the net on Hub and Spoke architecture. To start this topic, I am putting together information which I found very useful, some of this information has come from other blogs, company websites (JBOSS, IBM, Cape Clear, BEA, Microsoft etc.). I have practically worked on this architecture and…
Today I was at the Singapore Robotic Games 2009 held at Science Centre, Singapore. As this was my first visit to this event so havn’t had any idea about the visitors and overall lookout of the competition. It was scheduled on 20 – 22 January 2009. I went on last day of robotic games, was…