my robots : mumorob-wnms

Multipurpose moving robot-with new mechanical system, my international award winning robot.
Various functions of Mumorob-wnms,
VARIOUS FUNCTIONS OF MUMOROB-WNMS ROBOT # MOVING NECK : The neck of the MUMORO-WNMS is movable and it can move about 180 degree. We can use this function for taking the video recording in different angles with very smooth rotations also we can take snaps ,but here I didn’t used any such accessories also we can use it to spray the poisonous liquids ,I used in it a sprayer motor we can spray any diluted spray ,there is a three liter tank in the robot ,it sprays the liquid from it’s mouth. This function is controlled by the controller.
#ELECTRICAL MAGNET: The left hand of MUMOROB-WNMS works as like human being (vertical movements), it can rotate it’s shoulder up and down and can stop at any angle and hold only the iron things weight up to 1.5 kg. It creates a very strong magnetic field. These functions controlled by the controller. |
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# FINGER HAND : The right hand of MUMOROB-WNMS has fingers .These fingers can close and open in forward as well as reverse order. The maximum diameter of the things which can the finger can grip is 15 cm and the maximum limit of the weight is 1.5kg.the right hand of MUMOROB-WNMS works as like human being (vertical movements), it can rotate it’s shoulder up and down and can stop at any angle. This is totally mechanical device which is controlled by the electrical and electronics combinations. | ||
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# THIRD HAND : The mid hand (I called it third hand ) of MUMOROB-WNMS is have more features than the other two hands it has eight different motions it can rotate it’s hand as like human being (vertical movements), it can rotate it’s shoulder up and down ,can rotate its elbow ,wrist both in the forward and backward directions, these fingers can grip anything of any diameter and of any shape because it has a feature to change the finger based on the requirement of the work. These fingers can grip up to 2.3 kg weight. It can grip any object of any shape.
# TOUCH SENSOR OR RAIN SENSOR : The touch sensor of MUMOROB-WNMS is totally electronic system. The touch sensor is very sensitive. We can use the touch sensor as a rain sensor after some physical changes in robot. This function is totally automatic. |
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# PHOTO SENSOR : The photo sensor of MUMOROB-WNMS is totally automatic system and based on electronic principles. We can adjust the time interval to alert the controller about unwanted changes in the environment and weather by a beep or in controller’s own recorded voice. # SPEAKER AND MIC SYSTEM : MUMOROB-WNMS Robot has a very sensitive hearing system .The system can catch any outer sound waves within the area of twenty-five feet. Controller can also give instruction from his mic and earphone system to other workers or colleagues ,from where he can’t instruct them directly. # FIRE SENSOR : The fire sensor of MUMOROB-WNMS is capable to warn every body about unwanted fires and heat dangers this is very sensitive system. It is very good example of compatibility of the mechanical system and electronic system. This is totally automatic system and we can adjust it’s sensitivity by adjusting it’s mechanical system. # SPRAYER : The MUMOROB-WNMS can spray any poisonous liquid in the area of 50 square feet area. It has a 3 liters tank in it. We can spray the liquid in any direction and in any corner (by controlling it moving neck system). # ROTATING WHEELS : This is the main function of my robot. By the help of this function we can rotate MUMOROB-WNMS in any direction. The base of the robot has three wheels two are it’s power wheels they can rotate in any direction according to the controller’s choice and the third wheel is the fully rotational wheel from it we can rotate the robot in any direction. This is very powerful mechanical system and can pull approximate 19 kg weight except the robot’s itself weight(24 kg). |