The nature of the ESB is distributed; ESB is more scalable than the hub-and-spoke architecture. With ESB the ability to deploy separate integration services, scaling up and scaling out becomes easier. An ESB is based on open standards. EAI/hub-and-spoke solutions are generally based on proprietary standards.
Category: middleware
An Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) can have either a traditional hub-and-spoke architecture or a distributed, peer-to-peer architecture. Hub-and-Spoke systems are easy to administer but difficult to scale, since as processes are added the hub becomes a communication bottleneck. Most ESB’s are based on a peer-to-peer architecture allow hardware resources scattered across the network to be…
Lots of nice articles have been published on the net on Hub and Spoke architecture. To start this topic, I am putting together information which I found very useful, some of this information has come from other blogs, company websites (JBOSS, IBM, Cape Clear, BEA, Microsoft etc.). I have practically worked on this architecture and…