Presenters Sukhvinder Singh & Sanjay Jaryal
Why People would want to use Active Networks?
Traditional data networks passively transport bits from one end system to another. Ideally, the user data is transferred opaquely, in the existing network service the bits carries and it transferred between end systems without modification. The role of computation within such networks is extremely limited. Active Networks break with tradition by allowing the network to perform customized computations on the user data.
There are so any reasons why People would want to use Active Networks,
because the existing
Network services can't support,
Support new network services
Easily create Virtual Private Networks with security
Move mobile connection state through network seamlessly
Add adaptive transcending to different network link processors.
In spite of these the
Active Network Supports,
Support new network services
Increase address space
Painless VPN's
Additional security services
Move mobile connection state through network seamlessly
Add adaptive transcending to different network link processors.[6]
1) The value of the research on active networks is in loading code dynamically and in a secure manner Which is an important part of programmable networks.
2) Active architectures permit a massive increase in the sophistication of the computation that is Performed within the network. They will enable new applications, especially those based on Application-specific multicast, information fusion, and other services that leverage network-based Computation and storage. Furthermore, they will accelerate the pace of innovation by decoupling Network services from the underlying hardware and allowing new services to be loaded into the Infrastructure on demand. [5]
3) Mobile agents in a broad sense are programs that represent a user in a computer network, and are Capable of migrating autonomously from node to node, to perform some computations on behalf of the User. Mobile agents will be considered as introduced in an active network environment to Dynamically make required changes in the network and to permit dynamic network Service innovation, characteristic features of highly mobile networks.
4) Active Networks carry SmartPackets that contain both data and user-specified methods to extend the Functionality of switches to perform user-specific computation on the encapsulated data. This enables Rapid customization of the network and provides a mechanism to adapt the network to a changing Environment. [6]
5) Active Networking enables greater network flexibility and offers possibilities not available in current Networks without a long standardization process. [6]
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