University Of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign CS 427(Summer 2001) Project

Architecture Framework For Active Network


Index Page

Major Components


The functionality of the active network node is divided among the Node Operating System (NodeOS), the Execution Environments (EEs), and the Active Applications (AAs). Each EE exports a programming interface or virtual machine that can be programmed or controlled by directing packets to it. Thus, an EE acts like the ``shell'' program in a general­purpose computing system, providing an interface through which end­to­end network services can be accessed. The architecture allows for multiple EEs to be present on a single active node. However, development and deployment of an EE is considered a nontrivial exercise, and it is expected that the number of different EEs supported at any one time will be small.[4] 

The general organization of these components is shown in Figure 1.

figure 1. Components of Active Networks.


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